Saturday, January 3, 2009


The syllabus of the full-time programme includes:

Acting Techniques

Incorporates different world renowned techniques which help in understanding, analysing and applying the craft of Acting. The module spans the history of Acting : traditional and classical modes of acting, modern acting i.e. method acting / realistic form of acting and the post-modern, i.e. contemporary methodologies, to comprehend the art of performance more efficiently.

Creative Body Movements

The body is the basic tool of an actor, just as brushes and canvas are to a painter. Creative body movements are prime exercises, which are conducted in the beginning of almost every acting class conducted by the faculty. These movement classes enables one to become graceful and energetic, and makes one aware of factors like rhythm, gait, pace, tempo, gestures, postures, body language, compositions, etc. which later help one in understanding scenes more effectively.


The beneficial role of Yoga in shaping the body and the mind is beyond dispute. Students begin the day with Yoga classes at FAI for the first eight weeks.


Aerobics keeps one physically fit and active, tones up the body, makes one aware of muscles, muscular tensions and rigidity. Aerobics is taught in the last four weeks of the course.

Stunts and Martial Arts

Almost every actor is called upon to do stunts during one’s career. FAI familiarises students with the techniques of live combat.


Actors need to be in sync with tune and rhythm. To equip students to meet the demands of Indian cinema, FAI has a competent array of dance instructors in modern dance, Indian dance, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Bollywood routines and also the art of lip-sync.

Voice Culture

The voice is another tool of an actor. In voice classes, students get to understand the power of their voice and gain an insight of how to modify it by controlling various resonators and muscles. By doing different breathing exercises, the students learn voice modulation which helps them in understanding the nuances of diction and articulation.

Diction & Speech

The students are taught the importance of clarity of speech -- articulation as well as expressions. The students are made to analyse and study various monologues from plays and films, which later helps them in dialogue delivery

Actor and Camera

This aspect of training is a highly technical endeavour which deals with all the technical nuances of film acting, concerning the camera. Here the students get to know the importance of the camera, camera placement, camera movement, shot division, shot taking, types of shots, the presence of the actor before the camera, the significance of the ‘mark’ vis-à-vis the camera, etc.

Film Appreciation

The film appreciation module at FAI makes the students study films extensively, analyse cinema in microscopic detail, capture the exclusive aesthetics of filmmakers the world over, and above all, fall in love with the medium immensely.

Scene Studies and Script Analysis

These are intensive classroom exercises where various types of scenes, and the components within the scenes, are meticulously studied by observing the minutest details of classic movies. The emergence of ideas like ‘conflict’, ‘status’, ‘motive/want’ of the character in the particular scene, ‘urgency’ of the situation, fluctuations in the circumstances and the spontaneity of the character in the situation to adapt to the circumstances are keenly studied and applied in the practical sessions. Scripts for acting sessions are deeply studied for the meanings, interpretations, unit divisions, sub-text, stresses, pauses, for the purpose of characterisation.


The craft of dubbing and voice-over for movies, television, animation series, etc.

Television and Radio

The students are exposed to the television and radio industry. They are briefed about the multi-camera set ups for TV and are also given lessons in creating live images through their voices, which is of prime importance to them when they opt for careers in these media.

Grooming and Personality Development

The students are taught the importance of personality and the art of grooming oneself and how acting can be applied to do the same.


An FAI diploma will be awarded to all students upon satisfactory completion of the course.

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